
LeTaeja Fitzgerald

Program Manager

Letaeja Fitzgerald is a dedicated organizer and servant leader with a strong commitment to fostering community cohesion and cross-cultural collaboration. Her passion for grassroots engagement is reflected in her extensive experience in spearheading and managing impactful social initiatives, fostering strategic alliances, and leading comprehensive training programs for governmental authorities, non-profit executives, and students. With a proven track record of effective project management, public speaking, and community mobilization, Letaeja has consistently demonstrated her ability to drive positive change and empower underrepresented communities.

She was introduced to consulting during her tenure at the Univeristy of North Carolina at Charlotte, where she began organizing various programs and events for student groups on campus. With a demonstrated track record of delivering high-impact solutions and driving organizational growth, Letaeja is best known for her strategic foresight and exceptional business acumen. Letaeja has solidified her position as a prominent player in the consulting landscape, offering unparalleled expertise and innovative strategies that have transformed numerous businesses across various sectors. Leveraging a deep understanding of market dynamics and emerging trends, Letaeja has placed emphasis on pioneering initiatives, while creating value for clients and stakeholders alike.

Letaeja holds a Bachelor of Arts in Africana Studies from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, a testament to her deep-rooted understanding of cultural dynamics and her strong academic foundation. With her exceptional organizational skills, effective communication, and expertise in digital literacy, she continues to be a driving force in strengthening communities and advocating for social change.